Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
Navigraph Hub

Navigraph Hub

Navigraph Hub (opens in a new tab) allows you to update your AIRAC data in the simulator and for certain aircraft.

Unfortunately, this is the only way to update the AIRAC, as there is no drag and drop options like in X-Plane, nor are there any manual installer for the simulator and addons.


This software is only supported on Windows, even though this has been able to run on Linux, there is no guarantee that this will work later down the line. Do not expect support from Navigraph as this is not officially supported on Linux.



Difficulty: Easy


The new update for Navigraph Hub only works with Proton-GE 8 (opens in a new tab), if you are using a vanilla or older version of Proton-GE, this may not work and you may need to update it. Follow the guide on updating Proton!

Make sure that you familiarise yourself with Protontricks before beginning this tutorial.

You can download Navigraph Hub from their website, or use this direct link here (opens in a new tab).

Installing Navigraph Hub

Run the installer in Protontricks. Once the installation completes, Navigraph Hub should open and it should work as normal.

(Optional) Create a Desktop Entry

Creating Desktop Entries (opens in a new tab) used to be necessary, but not anymore. It is only useful if you want this in your Desktop Environment's application launcher.

These files will go into ~/.local/share/applications/, but you can create multiple directories inside it to make it easier to manage your custom Desktop Entries you have manually created. For example on my system, I store them under


Now create a Desktop Entry inside there with a text editor of your choice. The name of the file is irrelevant as long as it has the .desktop extension.

Navigraph Hub.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Navigraph Hub
Exec=protontricks -c "wine C:/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/Programs/navigraph-hub/Navigraph\\ Hub.exe %u" 1250410

Then make sure to update the database for desktop entries by running this command in the terminal

update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications

You should now be able to find Navigraph Hub in your Desktop Environment's application launcher.